One of my favorite things to do is cheerleading! Cheer has been so much fun this year in 7th grade. I love being with all of my friends and cheering for the team. I also love going
to cheer competitions. I'm a flyer ( the one they throw up in the air and on the very top of the pyramids.) It's a little scary sometimes because they throw me very high in the air and I can get dropped. Are any of you cheerleaders? I'll see ya later!

Wuzz up Tara? My cousin and I are cheerleaders! We cheer for Twisters Allstars!! We are cavemen Cheerleaders too! I have cheered for 4 years and she has cheered for 2!! Did you try out this year? Well you're awesome!
Hey cheer chick101!! Your a cheerleader too?? that's awesome. Your a caveman?? for AF?? GO KNIGHTS and ya i did try out this year and i made it. hahaha. ya cheer has been a lot of fun to do with my friends. So you go to twisters?? my friend go's there. Do you know maddie bishoff?
wow. that last pic looks like that hurts. a lot. i could never do that. u probably never even heard of the place where i live. Saltspring Island, British Columbia, Canada. GO CANUCKS! sorry. got carried away for a mo. anyway, u guys rock and i have had ur CD 4 about two years now and i have listened to it so many times that "going global" "one way ticket" and "you can shine" are just about done 4. i'd be awesome if u guys contacted me back!
blondie97@live.ca ok? l8r!
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