I hope you like the website! I love all the bright colors - especially my favorites - pink and green!
Summer has been very eventful and fun! I've been dancing a lot with my dance studio and cheer leading practice, and I've been busy recording our LOL CD!
Recording the CD took a lot of hours and days, so it's a good thing I had Taylor and Christian there. Taylor is so energetic and fun. Christian is hilarious and always funny! We would take turns singing in the studio and when it wasn't our turn we would hang out making up games and jumping on the trampoline. I love doing trampoline tricks!
I also got to go to a girl's camp with our church this summer. We learned so many things about life and how to be happy. It made me realize how much we all have to be grateful for! It always pays off to be nice to others. It's contagious too! My big sister was there also. I love my sister, Kimberly! She took care of me so I never got homesick!
We just got back from a family vacation in Cancun, Mexico. One night when my mom, sister, and I were sitting near the water, we saw a huge mother turtle swim out of the ocean! It started walking onto the sand and then it started digging a hole to lay eggs! We watched it for hours. It took a long time. It was so amazing to see how much work that mom went to for her babies! We finally left to go to sleep and in the morning, the hotel lifeguards had guarded the eggs so that the birds wouldn't get them. We got to hold the baby turtles - they are so cute and adorable! Life is a miracle! Then, the lifeguards let them go on the sand and they all ran into the ocean! It was the coolest thing ever.
I saw tons of kids my age in Mexico. One time we were on a bus and a guy my age got up and started singing, then passed his hat around and people put money in it! I thought, "I would like to do that!" I love entertaining and making people happy. I realized kids in Mexico and all over the world have the same desires. That's why I love the lyrics on our LOL CD. They make me feel good and make me want to reach for higher goals. I hope you enjoy them too. :)
See you later!
p.s. I'm starting Junior High School this week! It's kind of scary but I'm also excited. Hope you're liking your new school year and being happy!