Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hello Everyone

One of my favorite things to do is cheerleading! Cheer has been so much fun this year in 7th grade. I love being with all of my friends and cheering for the team. I also love going to cheer competitions. I'm a flyer ( the one they throw up in the air and on the very top of the pyramids.) It's a little scary sometimes because they throw me very high in the air and I can get dropped. Are any of you cheerleaders? I'll see ya later!~Tara


Anonymous said...

Wuzz up Tara? My cousin and I are cheerleaders! We cheer for Twisters Allstars!! We are cavemen Cheerleaders too! I have cheered for 4 years and she has cheered for 2!! Did you try out this year? Well you're awesome!

Tara Johnson said...

Hey cheer chick101!! Your a cheerleader too?? that's awesome. Your a caveman?? for AF?? GO KNIGHTS and ya i did try out this year and i made it. hahaha. ya cheer has been a lot of fun to do with my friends. So you go to twisters?? my friend go's there. Do you know maddie bishoff?

Jess said...

wow. that last pic looks like that hurts. a lot. i could never do that. u probably never even heard of the place where i live. Saltspring Island, British Columbia, Canada. GO CANUCKS! sorry. got carried away for a mo. anyway, u guys rock and i have had ur CD 4 about two years now and i have listened to it so many times that "going global" "one way ticket" and "you can shine" are just about done 4. i'd be awesome if u guys contacted me back!
blondie97@live.ca ok? l8r!