Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The 411

Hey! Taylor here and I really want to talk to you about a commercial that Tara and I filmed a couple days ago!!! It was for a product called Your Story, and it was so amazing! Your Story is a book binding company for scrapbooking and other cool stuff. I have a Your Story and I have so much fun with it! it’s so fast, fun, and easy. Tara and I made a book about LOL, it helped so much! If we had just regularly scrapbooked it would have taken for EVER!!! In the commercial we actually got to show off all of the Your Story books that we made! The people that we got to work with there were so fun and professional. It was one of the most fun things that we have gotten to do so far with LOL. You should stay tuned to see if you can find our commercial! It will be viewed national so you can see it anywhere in the U.S!!!! The opportunity was so cool and I hope that we will be able to something like that again!

Well see ya soon,



Katy said...

That is awesome that you two had the chance to do that. I can't wait to see how it turns out.


Maria said...

Cool. How did you get famous?
I have loads of friends.

Celeste =) * * * * * * * * * * *

Maria said...

How old are you? =)

Celeste =)